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  • MarshMerlowe

Freelancing Newbie? Tips For Landing Your First Client

It can be especially difficult trying to land your first freelance gig. To help those who are new to the world of freelancing, here are some advices for landing your first client.

1. Know Yourself First

Are you trying to accommodate everyone? Well, you will find yourself with no clients. Let your personality shine. Be honest about your times, family situation and deadlines.

2. Build Referral Partnerships

Build referral partnerships and alliances with businesses, entrepreneurs and freelancers in other industries who already work with the kind of clients you are looking to land. Most freelancers focus on networking only with prospective clients.

3. Start With What You Know

Try one of the freelance platforms like Fiverr that offer introductory prices. Use the testimonials and feedback as a way into other more lucrative gigs. I got my first freelance job at an ad agency and I used that to open doors at cable TV networks. Think about other companies and industries that could use your talent and expertise.

4. Treat Them Like A Client Before They Sign

Finding good people to work with can be tough. Those looking for freelance help want to minimize their chance of risk. Even if you don't have much contracting experience yet, don't display hesitation. Treat everyone that comes through your door as a guest, not a prospect. Show them you mean business by properly welcoming them, listening to them, being helpful and showing honest enthusiasm for the job.

5. Schedule Frequent Conversations

Schedule your calendar with conversations to increase opportunities and uncover hidden resources. It's not about what you can do for the client; it's about listening, uncovering their pain points and offering solutions. Even if an initial conversation doesn't lead to an immediate client, when you add value, people will remember.

6. Do Pro Bono Work For A Nonprofit

There are a lot of people that will tell you that you should offer your services free first. Only do this for a nonprofit organization. All nonprofits need the type of freelance help that is generally available and they really benefit from the assistance.

7. Align Your Work With Your Values

If you create a brand that is aligned with your personal and professional values first, you'll be sure to find the right clients fast. Being true to who you are makes communication much smoother and projects more successful! Most would say as a freelancer your first responsibility is to your client; I say it's to your authenticity.

8. Make A Bold Promise And Keep It

As a freelancer, it is important to set yourself and your brand apart from others. A great way to do this is with a brand promise that your ideal clients would find valuable and beneficial. Tell your prospects how you will help them and what they can expect when they buy from you, and make sure it's unique.

9. Ask For The Sale

The best advice I have for a freelancer to land their first client is to ask for the business. Through business introductions at networking events and finding out what clients need and how you’ll meet that need, you can finalize the deal by asking for the business.

10. Be Patient And Authentic

Patience and authenticity become increasingly difficult when you're trying to land that first client. It's an internal struggle as you are looking to confirm the value you may add and the worthiness of your efforts.

11. Believe In Yourself

We project what we believe and our mindset then becomes our reality. In other words, our thoughts are a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I believe that it will be hard to land my first client or that it will take a long time, I may self-sabotage my efforts.

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